
My blog is going to provide information surrounding the topic of music in advertising. I am starting this blog in order to better understand the marketing techniques of using music in advertising and express my knowledge in the hope that it will enhance my chance of gaining experience in the field.

I would like to obtain a career in advertising in the near future and I have always had a passion for music and have a great knowledge on the variety of genres. Therefore I have combined the two areas of media in order to create the topic for my blog. Music is constantly used in advertising for a range of techniques and therefore, the two go hand in hand. I am studying Media in University and thus have a significant amount of knowledge in the area.

I hope that the blog will become a success in that many people will read it and it will help people understand the power of music in advertising and the effect it can have over our emotions and actions. The blog will focus on the relationship music can create between advertisements and the audience. It will not only look at television advertisements, but radio advertisements too. Each blog will analyse a variety of advertisements, critically examining how music is used to evoke emotions from the audience and make the audience unconsciously remember the advertisement and its product.

The target audience for my blog will mainly be young adults or adolescents. However, this will vary depending on which advertisements I will be analysing in my blog as advertisers have a target audience of their own.
I hope you all enjoy reading it.

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