Tuesday 21 February 2012

Chronicle: Not your typical mockumentary

Rating: ***

Today’s post is completely off topic, but I am going to review the film Chronicle which I recently saw in Cinema.
Chronicle Film Poster
Chronicle movie poster, courtesy of Fame

I knew nothing about the film but heard great things. My heart dropped when I realised it was a mockumentary with hand-held cameras. Maybe I’m biased, but most films which use handheld cameras aren’t very good. What is the attraction in watching a bad quality camera shaking around? However, Chronicle is different. The cameras are quite steady and very good quality compared to other mockumentaries. It also features CCTV cameras and police car cameras to give it a more realistic yet unique twist.

The plot

It is a Sci-Fi thriller centred around three high school boys who gain superpowers after encountering a mysterious object underground. Andrew (Dane DeHaan) is the “loser” of the group who is bullied at school, has an abusive drunk for a father and a dying mother. He begins to document his everyday life which justifies the use of hand-held cameras. After a tragic incident the boys decide to keep their powers out of the public eye and not to use them on living things. However, Andrew rebels against this and becomes embedded by rage, which results in an intense ending.

Although, out of the three boys Michael. B. Jordan (Steve) is featured the least in this film, he steals the show. His acting is tremendous and is a very charismatic and humorous character. He is definitely one to watch out for.

What went wrong?

So, you may ask why this review is only 3 stars when all I have done is praise it? Well, there are three reasons.
- One: the middle of the film totally loses interest. It simply documents the boys experimenting with their powers. The story seems to come to a standstill.

- Two: the character Casey seems pointless. She appears to be a love interest for Matt (Alex Russell), but nothing develops between them. I feel she was just thrown in to include a damsel in distress and more interesting camera angles. She documents her life and yet again nothing ever comes of it.

- Three: I found myself wishing for the film to end but I am struggling to give a reason why. The only thing I can say is I did think it was very unrealistic how the police would just stand there watching the incident unfold. They did not attempt to shoot Andrew once when hundreds of peoples’ lives were at risk. 

Overall my dislike for hand-held camera films is the main reason I have given this film an adequate review. It is not very realistic. In reality people would not film half the things they do in the film. In my opinion these styles of films are just trying to fit in with this current day and age where people are obsessed with documenting their views and life.

If you haven't seen it yet you can watch the trailer below:

Do you think it looks good? Or have you already seen it?
Leave your comments below and let me know what you think.


  1. I really enjoyed reading your review on this film. After seeing the trailer on television, I have been dying to see if it lives up to it. I completely agree with you on how the plot looses interest. Is it just me or is this becoming increasing familiar in films these days?!

  2. This is a really good review. You give your honest opinion on the film and it is easy and interesting to read. I saw this film a couple of weeks ago and I also found it quite boring towards the end!


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